The GolfPsych Approach

Ronald Mann
GolfPsych Instructor
Scottsdale, AZ

More Information

My first column addressed the importance of quieting the mind and ways to do that. Now let’s look at the personality traits that make championship golfers. The GolfPsych program includes a very accurate psychological test (16PF) that has been researched with professional golfers from the PGA and LPA tour. Dr. Deborah Graham found eight personality traits that actually differed between Tour players who were winning or losing tournaments. Two well-known players, Dave Stockton and our own Gary McCord, have benefited from this approach. Many, many professional and amateur golfers have been helped by the GolfPsych method.

The Eight Traits are: Focus, Abstract Thinking, Emotional Stability, Dominance, Tough Mindedness, Self-Assurance, Self-Sufficiency, and Relaxation.

I have used this test with many golfers and it is very accurate and very useful. You can fine-tune your golf personality in order to play your best. This is a great resource for junior golfers who are building the foundation of a solid mental approach to the game. The mental side of golf is as important as equipment and swing mechanics.

Since this column is limited, let’s take a look at the first trait: focus. This trait is measured along a dimension from a very narrow focus (1) to a wide focus (10). The champions scored in the 3-4 range. This means they are able to block out external distractions like noise, playing partners, weather conditions, crowds and internal distractions like random thoughts and negative self-talk. (See table at end of article)

This is an important trait because in competition you need to separate yourself from other people and the circumstances around you. You also need to simplify your inner life and stop all the inner dialogue so you can focus on the moment and the shot you have to make. All too often, amateur golfers are too focused and distracted by everything around them and lose their ability to execute a shot. Junior golfers are often too focused on what parents, coaches and friends will think and lose their ability to execute under pressure.

If you would like to know how you stand with the champions or want help in dev-eloping the Eight Traits, please contact me.

Dr. Ron Mann is a Certified GolfPsych instructor who teaches the mind/body/spirit psychology of peak performance. He is the author of the LA Times Bestseller, Integrating Spirituality with Psychotherapy, The Yoga of Golf, and the audio CD Find the Zone II: Master the Mental Game of Golf.  You can contact him at or 602.687.7644. Please visit for more free materials and listen to him on Second Saturdays at 11:00am on 6 Degrees, KWSS 106.7 FM

Dr Mann