Reverse C – Alleviate the Causes

Robin Berry
Owner and Personal Trainer
Fit To You
Scottsdale, AZ

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Physical conditioning has been a big addition to the game of golf. Many golfers are now interested in working on developing the body to positively affect golf swing performance. A common swing mistake that can be improved through increased flexibility and core strength is REVERSE C. Let’s take a look at this problem and how to help alleviate the causes.

Reverse C is characterized by the golfer’s body weight remaining on the trailing foot, the hips leaning forward toward the target and the upper body leaning back toward the trailing leg at the finish of the swing. The head is leaning back, with the spine also arched backward, creating the shape of the letter C, in reverse, with the golfer’s body. No weight transfer occurs, so the body does not transfer power into impact. The lack of weight transfer also impedes the squaring of the clubface, all of this likely resulting in a slice and a lack of power and distance.

There are several potential physical characteristics or weaknesses that can be strengthened, through a series of exercises, in order to improve weight transfer and decrease the probability of reverse C in your swing finish. This swing mistake could be caused by lack of flexibility in the hip, tight chest muscles, weakness in the abdominal area, or weakness in the gluteal muscles (otherwise known as your “rear end”!). Developing abdominal strength will help you stabilize the spine and pelvis, rotate the torso, and  avoid an over-arching of the lower back. Improving gluteal muscle strength will help propel the pelvis toward the target, stabilize the backswing, and potentially increase power in the downswing.

Here are two exercises to help you:

Abdominal Strength – Perform the plank to strengthen the abdominals:  Lie in a prone position on your stomach. With your elbows directly under your shoulders, raise your body so that you are balancing on your forearms/elbows and toes. Your hips should be aligned so that your body forms a straight line from toes to shoulders. Do not let your hips elevate above, nor sag below, the line. Hold this position for 30 seconds, working up to 60 seconds.

Gluteal Muscle Strength – Perform a basic bridge, contracting the glutes for  strength-building:  Lie in a supine position on your back, with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place your arms out to each side and lift your pelvis off the ground, contracting the gluteal muscles and minimizing contraction of other muscles (especially the leg muscles which will want to contract to assist the weak glutes). Hold this position for 30 seconds, working up to 60 seconds. To make this more challenging, repeat this movement with arms extended straight up so they are not assisting in the support of your body.

Do these exercises three times a week, and see great improvements in both your physical abilities and your golf swing!

Robin L. Berry is owner, manager and personal trainer of Fit To You, LLC, a mobile fitness training service. Robin is a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer and is trained in golf fitness by Titleist Performance Institute. If you would like to reach Robin, visit or email